The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade
The Dire Warnings about Geo-Engineering Solutions to our Climate Change Disasters by the RAND Corporation.

The Dire Warnings about Geo-Engineering Solutions to our Climate Change Disasters by the RAND Corporation.

I look at what they are saying about this issue, the history of the RAND Corp., And how another climate scientist says we are already too late to stop climate change.
‘Fire-Cloud’ Digital art created from original photos by Jason Van Tatenhove.

In today’s episode, we look at the messaging being put out by one of America’s most famous think tanks, The Rand Corporation. I question what their motivations might be and, in the end, the excellent points they make about this largely overlooked or unknown danger.

Here are the links to the articles I reference in the podcast:

Manipulating the Climate: What Are the Geopolitical Risks?
Scientists seek sun-dimming stopgap for climate crisis as 1.5 C threshold nears
America’s Think Tank—Politics warps a new history of the mysterious RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation

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The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade slices through the tangled underbrush of legal and political discourse, from the peaks of Estes Park to the national stage, uncovering the pivotal stories and cultural debates that shape our democratic experience. Helmed by Jason Van Tatenhove, this platform fuses compelling narrative with astute political commentary, spotlighting Colorado's local sagas, captivating fiction, and in-depth podcasts. With a keen eye for detail and a storyteller's heart, The Colorado Switchblade carves out a space where every story is told with precision and every analysis cuts to the core.