The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade
The CDC has just walked back its disastrous 2016 Pain Treatment Advice

The CDC has just walked back its disastrous 2016 Pain Treatment Advice

But will they ever take responsibility for the lives of patients and doctors that they helped to shatter? Including that of my wife and family.
A portrait of my wife.

In this Weekend Rant edition of the Colorado Switchblade’s podcast. We talk about how the CDC just Friday released the revised and expanded pain treatment guidelines that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published that mention "patient abandonment" eight times. They also include two occurrences of this warning, in bold and italics: "Clinicians should not abandon patients."

This should give you a sense of the nightmarish impact of the original version of the CDC's advice, published in 2016, on medical care for chronic pain patients.

Things have gone terribly wrong when medical professionals have to be reminded that they should not abandon patients. The CDC's acknowledgment of these issues signals its willingness to address the needless suffering caused by the 2016 guidelines, which resulted in undertreatment, reckless "tapering" of pain medication, denial of care, and procrustean policies that prioritize reductions in opioid prescribing over the interests of patients.

This is a very personal story to me—One that has had devastating effects on my entire family. You will hear why in the podcast.

In the podcast, I reference an article in Reason Magazine you can read here.

This is a topic I will continue to cover in the future.

read Jason's horror novels

The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade
The Colorado Switchblade slices through the tangled underbrush of legal and political discourse, from the peaks of Estes Park to the national stage, uncovering the pivotal stories and cultural debates that shape our democratic experience. Helmed by Jason Van Tatenhove, this platform fuses compelling narrative with astute political commentary, spotlighting Colorado's local sagas, captivating fiction, and in-depth podcasts. With a keen eye for detail and a storyteller's heart, The Colorado Switchblade carves out a space where every story is told with precision and every analysis cuts to the core.